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What is the work principle centrifugal pump

A centrifugal pump converts the input power to kinetic energy in the liquid by accelerating the liquid by a revolving device - an impeller. The most common type is the volute pump. ...
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Shale shakers are the first line of defence in removing drill cuttings

Shale shaker s are the first line of defence in removing drill cuttings from your valuable drilling fluid. KOSUNs range of High Performance High G Shale Shakers offer superb screeni...
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KOSUN DC series decanter centrifuge features

KOSUN decanter centrifuge is a piece of equipment, generally driven by an electric motor (some older models were spun by hand), that puts an object in rotation around a fixed axis, ...
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Decanter Centrifuge Application Challenges

Decanter centrifuges are used to extract (dewater) solid materials from liquids when they are mixed together in slurry. A main drive motor supplies power to turn the centrifuge. AC ...
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Shale shaker in the process of using running plasma problem causes and solution

KOSUN provides shale shaker in the process of using running plasma problem causes and solutions for your reference: Analysis: this phenomenon, mainly with high content of solid phas...
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The Structure of KOSUN Drilling Mud Agitator In Oilfield

Mud agitator is part of the drilling fluid solids control equipment , which is mainly used to agitate and mix the drilling mud to prevent solids particles from depositing in the mud...
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What is the working principle of vacuum degasser

A vacuum degasser is a device used in drilling to remove gasses from drilling fluid which could otherwise form bubbles. For small amount of entrained gas in a drilling fluid, the de...
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Decanter centrifuge is one of KOSUN main products

KOSUN is an API certified solids control equipment manufacturer in China. Decanter centrifuge is one of their main products. KOSUNs decanter centrifuge are ruggedly built for oilfie...
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  • office@adkosun.com
  • +86 13379250593
