Drilling fluid and equipment maintenance cost can decrease greatly
The continuing trend of more stringent environmental regulations around the world will require more and more solids control systems to be implemented to minimize haul off of drillin...
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What is the features of the KOSUN drilling mud purification system
KOSUN solids control manufacture drilling mud purification system following Science and technology are primary productive forces.KOSUN drilling mud system technology is full solutio...
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What is the structure of shale shaker
To separate the cuttings out of the mud and get clear fluid, we use solid control system and equipments in the oilfield. Normally the drilling fluid circulation system is consist of...
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The process of drilling fluid recycling system
Drilling fluids recycling system or solids control system, is the process of cleaning used drilling fluids in a closed loop style of drilling operation. The drilling fluid is pumped...
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What is the features of mud cleaner
The weighted mud flows to the inlet head section of the desander and/or desilter entering the hydrocyclones for separation of particles. Mud leaving the underflow is further screene...
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Purposes of drilling fluid
Drilling deeper, longer and more challenging wells has been made possible by improvements in drilling technologies, including more efficient and effective drilling fluids. Drilling ...
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What is the composition of mud agitator?
A mud agitator is used in surface mud systems to suspend solids and maintain homogeneous mixture throughout the system. A mechanical agitator is driven by an explosion-proof motor, ...
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Some skills used in purification of solids control equipment
Solids control equipment includes many other equipments,We need to clean every different equipment step by step,when make purification .and when gas migrate to the drilling fluids ,...
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