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The Drilling Fluid Decanter Centrifuge Functions

Decanter centrifuge is the important phase cleaning equipment in a complete solids control system to separate fine solids. It is the most high technology products among all solids c...
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Solids control system play a major role on the drilling rig

Solids control is a technique that uses combined equipment for drilling rigs to separate the solids in the drilling fluids that are crushed by the drill bits and carried out of the ...
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What is desilter

Desilter Benefits: KOSUN desilter is used as the 3rd stage of solids control for drilling mud, which make separations between 15 and 45 microns. Desilter Features: 1. 100% Polyureth...
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KOSUN Shale Shaker VS KOSUN VC-1000 drying shaker

KOSUN shale shaker and KOSUN VC-1000 drying shaker are widely known as top solids control equipments. KOSUN is specialist on solids control in many industry such as oil and gas well...
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What are mud desilter and mud desander

Mud desilter and mud desander are solids control equipment commonly used to separate fine solids from drilling fluids in drilling projects , e.g oil gas drilling . The main differen...
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KOSUN shaker was provided to optimize the solids control performance

As well construction costs continue to rise, todays shale shakers must be capable of maintaining optimum fluid properties to maximize drilling efficiency, said Feng Geng, president,...
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Desander and desilter in solids control system

Desanders and desilters are solid control equipment with a set of hydrocyclones that separate sand and silt from the drilling fluids in drilling rigs. Desanders are installed on top...
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Oil drilling equipment Shale shakers for sale by KOSUN

KOSUN is capable of providing customers with series oil drilling equipment for sale , including mud tank, shale shaker, vacuum degasser, desander, desilter, centrifuge, etc. Oil dri...
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  • +86 18792396268 (WhatsApp/WeChat)
  • office@adkosun.com
  • +86 13379250593
