Features & Benefits of Shale Shaker Screen:
Shale shaker screen is wearing part of the drilling fluid shale shaker for the oilfield drilling mud system, mainly divided into soft sieve screen, sieve plate type screen, frame plate type screen, wave screen. Product characteristic is wear resistance, wearability, rating of temperature, low cost, easy disassembly, conductivity (powder) liquid, trapping (dreg) effect is good, etc.
KOSUN Shaker screen characteristics are wear resistance, wearability, rating of temperature, low cost, easy disassembly, conductivity ( powder ) liquid, good trapping ( dreg ) effect, etc.
In China solids control industry, KOSUN is a solids control leader and expert in drilling waste management. KOSUN is capable of providing customers with such four series as oil & gas drilling solids control equipment, centrifuge, drilling waste treatment equipment and drilling security equipment, including 25 categories of products, such as shale shaker, decanter centrifuge, shale shaker screen, desander, desilter, vacuum degasser, centrifugal pump,vertical centrifuge, submersible slurry pump, shear pump, mud agitator, mud gun, drilling fluid mud cleaner, jet mud mixer, screw pump, mud tank, diesel tank, water tank, complete solids control system, etc.
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Supply the most current design and technical expertise;Supply parts sales and training service far beyond the initial sale;Your profits with quality parts and expert service.