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What is the mud tanks detail


For drilling mud tanks system we can use it in various drilling. The different well drilling conditions will request different fluids system.

Drilling fluid system including mud tanks system, the mud process equipments. All pipelines and electrical lines, cables, and all accessory parts. Such as the ladders, hand rail, guard rail, etc.

What is the mud tanks detail

Fluids system equipment mainly is shale shaker, hydro cyclone separators, centrifuge decanter, centrifugal pumps, and fluid mixers/agitators.

What is the mud tanks detail ? Actually, we need almost fluid system include shaker tank, active, storage tank or mixing tank. Sometimes, there will be also the trip tank, pill tank, and swab or test tank

The mud tanks are different size or dimension. It depends on whole mud tanks system capacity or flow mud pump flow rate. Whole mud system including different phases and process steps. We need to calculate all information in detail

So usually the single mud tank effective volume or capacity including 20m3 and less, 20-40m3, then 40-70m3. Their length can be 8m, 9m, 10m, 11m, 12m, 15m, etc. specific requirement.


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